“Why do we give our power away when we can be so powerful?
You don’t know me. You don’t know my life, but if you did you would know I am awesome.”
The is a nonprofit media organization that creates spaces for transforming lives and communities, through the acts of listening to and sharing stories. Since 1993, StoryCenter has partnered with organizations around the world on projects in story facilitation, digital storytelling, and other forms of digital media production. In addition to public workshops, StoryCenter provides end-to-end story custom facilitation project planning, storytelling and participatory media workshop facilitation, story distribution services, materials/curriculum development, and evaluation design.
Positive Women's Network
Positive Women's Network envisions a world where women living with HIV can live long, healthy, dignified and productive lives, free from stigma and discrimination. Our mission is to prepare and involve all women living with HIV, in all our diversity, including gender identity and sexual expression, in all levels of policy and decision-making.
Empowerment Program
The mission of the Empowerment Program is to provide education, employment assistance, health, housing referrals, and support services for women who are in disadvantaged positions due to incarceration, poverty, homelessness, HIV/AIDS infection, and/or involvement in the criminal justice system. Our goal is to decrease rates of recidivism by providing case management, support services, basic skills education, housing and resource coordination that can offer alternatives to habits and choices that may lead to criminal behaviors.
Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center
The Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center was established in 2014 within the Center for Public Health Practice at the Colorado School of Public Health (CSPH). With funding from the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), the RM-PHTC serves the states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming (Region VIII), and the 32 tribal nations located within this territory. The RM-PHTC is committed to developing and supporting a high quality public health workforce that can improve population health. Our goals are to increase the functional knowledge and skills of the public health workforce and link public health and health care sectors to improve population health, as outlined in the Affordable Care Act.